I’ve created this site so that I can share my passion for art history, because for me, art matters. It is a window into an artist’s view of the world, where we are invited to look, contemplate, engage our emotions and intellect and hopefully find meanings that resonate for us. Art reflects the time in which it was produced, it is a portal through which we can try to understand how people may have experienced their world, something which is fascinating and of value to us today.

I was at school studying for A levels when I discovered the French Impressionists and then a whole world of art. It ignited a flame that has seen me travel widely to experience first-hand the works found not only in museums but in churches, houses, palaces and city squares. A few years ago I decided to take my interest more seriously and having completed a degree in 2016, I now research and write on a wide range of art subjects.

I hope my writing is of interest and inspires you to seek out and enjoy as much art as possible.